
London meet-up of Android Developers

Droidcon London 2015

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Droidcon London was recently held at the Business Design Centre, London.  The event proved to be as popular as ever, with over 1,000 developers attending and 72 experts talking in workshops over two days.

The meet-ups and exhibition are organised by Skills Matter, to encourage Android developers to meet and network (developing can be a solitary job) and also extend their skills and knowledge, within the Android base.

Engyta was there (as ARL Mobile) over the two days, as a Bronze sponsor, showcasing the new Engyta brand and also giving practical demonstrations of how their technology works.

Attendees were given an NFC-enabled visitor badge, (organised and printed by Engyta) which meant it was easy for exhibitors to capture their details, at a touch of a smartphone.

The Phone-Spa, which played host to the Air chargers, allowed visitors with tired and run-down mobile phones to book them in and be recharged – this proved to be a very popular attraction!

Developers could also sign up for the SDK on our new Blu-Beam product and receive a discount on the beacon itself, for when it becomes available.

We also had some freebies for attendees to take away, with the phone stand/cleaner being a very enticing giveaway as well as a great way of getting the Engyta name out there.

Other exhibitors included Sony (demonstrating their own version of Google Glass), Alcatel and Microsoft whilst the Skills Matter dancing robot kept everyone amused and was a great talking point.

So many thanks to everyone who popped over to the Engtya stand to say hello – we hope you all had a great time!



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